At Well Street United Church we hope to bring children into knowing and loving God as their lifelong special friend through providing opportunites for them to encounter Jesus during Sunday services, midweek activities and weekend events.
On a Sunday morning after a time of sung worship we go out to our groups for games, teaching and craft!
Explorers: After-school club for ages key stages 1 & 2, meets Thursday afternoons (term times) 17.00 – 18.45pm
Breakfast at Bethlehem: This is a free extravaganza of Christmas related crafts for Primary School aged children, plus refreshments, held on the first Saturday morning in December .
‘Christmas Unwrapped’ and ‘Easter Cracked’: local Primary Schools spend a day exploring the Nativity or Easter Story (as part of their key stage 2 curriculum), attend interactive dramatisations hosted by the Churches in Buckingham (Venues Well Street United Church and Buckingham Parish Church)
Buckingham Churches Holiday Club - this is an annual event which is organised by Buckingham Churches Together during the School Summer Holiday.
Click on image for further information
School Assemblies: Thorugh our links with Lace Hill Academy we are invited to take part in assemblies
We take child safeguarding very seriously, all groups have at least 2 leaders each week in order to adhere to child-to-adult ratios, and all leaders are DBS checked. The Child Protection Officer for the church is Sue Ioannou, if you would like to contact her please speak to Wendy in the church office.
Please let us know if your child has any allergies or other special needs that we should be aware of.
To know more:
For further information on any aspects of Childrens work , please contact the Church office (01280 817 560 email
Link to: Safeguarding Policy and Statement of Safeguarding Principles