Thornborough Chapel, The Green, Thornborough, MK18 2DLThe chapel has a central location in the village overlooking the green. It has been extended and has a large traditional worship area with comfortable chairs, lounge, kitchen and disabled toilets. It is the only one of the chapels in our section with a garden at the back.
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Weekly Sunday Services – 11.00am - followed by refreshments Joint Service – 11.00am (1st Sunday of the month) Venue alternates between the Church and Chapel) Thornborough Messy Church(age babies to 11) a new ecumenical family event that will meet between 4-5pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
We share a story, craft, singing and snacks.
Weekly Drop-in
Every Wednesday morning from 10.30am -12.30pm the chapel is open for people to drop in for free tea and coffee and the chance to chat with one another. On the second Wednesday of the month there is a Bring and Buy Table.
Meet and Eat
On the first Monday of the month the chapel runs a monthly lunch club ‘Meet and Eat’ which is open to anyone in the village. This is a two course meal followed by a short quiz over tea and coffee. Lunch starts at 12.30pm and places need to be booked in advance.
Lyrics and Lunch
This is held on the 4th Monday of the month
11.15am - 1.15pm. With music to feed the brain and lunch to enjoy together. This group is for people living with dementia and their Carers. It provides a time of singing popular songs followed by a simple soup lunch, cake and fruit served with coffee and tea. Booking in advance is essential and costs £3.00 per person.
Lyrics and Lunch Network is a registered charity. Charity number 1196797
Ecumenical links
Thornborough Chapel works closely with St. Mary's church. We support Explore@4. It is held every 4th Sunday at 4.00pm in the summer, meeting in the churchyard. It is an informal, all-age gathering that explorers the importance of life through creation, story and crafts.
Our chapel garden is registered with the Small Pilgrim Places Network, linking together gardens that provide breathing places on the Pilgrim journey.
Our garden is open at anytime. Feel free to visit.
We provide laminated sheets for inspiration and ideas for prayer.
Chapel Room Booking or further information please contact Louise Springall mobile: 0775847247 or email